Saturday, October 30, 2010

People and a Hike & Run

Somehow I got my butt in gear and hit the trail a little earlier this afternoon. Cool day, serious sunlight. One tiny baby snake and a bird swimming through a pond with its body underwater and its long neck and head skyward looking like a stick popping a foot out of the water. After a swim of maybe 200 yards it finally went up on land to dry off/catch its breathe. Strange sight.

Also strange was an encounter with people. Some couple and a bunch of kids and a few dogs. Maybe only third time all month that I've actually spoken to a real live person. Ain't that messed up?! It shows how much of a shut in I really have been.

Good exercise, though...

1 hour, 24 minutes on the trail.

2:41 run . . . and then another short minute or so long run.

Gonna take a lot of work to get my running time back up to where I once was. Gotta start slow. Cardiovascular system is not used to being used as is it when I start to run. Talking a long walk is pretty easy, legs feel great, feet feel great . . . but running ain't easy.

Interestingly on the way back the question arose in my mind -- why? What does it matter if I spend an hour and a half walking plus some time running to improve my health? What does it matter?!? Why'm I doing it? I don't know. Best answer I could come up with is it gives me an excuse to listen to music. How messed up is that?!

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